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Protecting Your Lungs and Health at Home

Because of COVID-19, millions of people across the country have, over the last 5 months, been spending more time at home than ever before. In a world fighting a rampaging pandemic, your home is the most secure environment available to your family. When you go out you practice social distancing, wear a face mask, and take the other precautions that you have now been educated on. The problem is that you cannot be sure if others are as careful as you. At home, it is a different picture – your control the environment and how healthy it is. However, staying indoors as much a possible is not enough - you must take steps to keep the home healthy.

Read also: Sunlight and Health

Fresh Air Is the Best Defense

The coronavirus enters the body through the lungs from where it starts its deadly journey through the system. The cleaner the air at home, the safer your family. According to the American Lung Association “Like the lungs, homes need to be able to breathe to make sure that fresh air comes in and dirty air goes out. The air indoors can build up high levels of moisture, odor, gases, dust, and other air pollutants. To keep the air indoors safe, fresh outdoor air is needed to dilute these indoor pollutants.”

Homes often do not get the fresh air they need. The reasons for this are many and include architectural constraints that limit the number of windows, physical obstructions such as other buildings in the vicinity that restrict air circulation, seasonal and climatic considerations that may require only a minimum number of windows to be left open, security considerations, etc. However, there is a single solution for all the aforementioned problems and that is to install a whole-house fan. Click here to find out more about these fans and why your home needs one.

Read Also: Working from Home Post Pandemic

Keeping windows open helps circulate the air indoors and brings in fresh clean air to replace old stale air. However, this is often not enough to completely flush out the old air and replace it with fresh air. The right way to ensure that your home is always fresh and the air inside it clean and safe to comply with American Lung Association standards is to install a whole-house fan. These fans are not expensive, installation is easy and quick and once in place, the operating costs are minimal. Your home is going to be your safe haven for the foreseeable future. Installing a whole-house fan will give your family the protection it needs from coronavirus. In a world full of increasing health risks, keeping your home clean and safe has never been more important. The sooner you put in a whole house fan the better. Sunlight Concepts is one of the best options for the whole house fan.
