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Enhance your decor the green way with decorative fixtures

Your home is where your heart is. You surely want your home to look as beautiful as possible. Whether you are building a new home or renovating an old one, one of the most important things to consider is the theme that you are going for. Why is that important? You need to know your theme before starting the building work. The color that you pick to paint the house, the style of the building, even the kind of fixtures that you add will all reflect the theme of the house.

Different strokes for different folks

A Victorian mansion

Are you going in for a large Victorian mansion with wrought iron gates, carved and curlicued reeves and spouts? An old fashioned house looks great with bare brick walls and ivy growing up the side, on the outside. You can paint it in rich colors on the inside. Or, you can use pretty Victorian themed wallpapers. Antique furniture with heavy velvet drapes and wooden flooring will complete the picture. Heavily curtained mansions are usually pretty dark inside. Use daylighting systems to let in more light into the house. And let’s not forget the fixtures. Go for decorative fixtures like the classic decorative fixture, The Tierdrop from Solatube that will enhance the look of a classic home. 

Minimalistic and simple

Are you more into minimalism? You can build a beautiful medley of glass and steel, which is all the rage right now. A wall to wall shag carpet, dominant colors like black, red and white will all meld together to give a dramatic look. You can paint the walls in a light color and have some gorgeous paintings with focus lighting, or you can have one dominant colored wall that sets the tone for the accessories in the room. Blinds look great in minimalistic homes. Have minimum doors and walls and more of an open planned building that gives the feel of space and air. You can install daylighting systems to get in more light into the home. The chic Optiview from Solatube would be a perfect fit in this kind of home.

An artsy cottage

If you have a small space to decorate, why not make it into a quirky and cute cottage with lots of colors and lots of light. Pretty chintz curtains, pretty colored rugs scattered around and mismatched furniture is a whole studio type look that is perfect for a single or a newlywed couple. A cottage doesn’t have many windows and could do with a daylighting system to bring the natural rays of the sun indoors. The flashings for Solatube daylighting systems can be used on flat or pitched roofs. If you have a cottage with a slanting roof, you can still install it. The VividShade fixture would be perfect for an arty home.

Blend of old and new

You don’t have to settle on old or new. You can settle on comfortable. Instead of going in for an old fashioned look or a modern look, with good choices, you can blend the two to make a visually aesthetic home. Give your antique furniture a modern touch with trendy material and colors.  Use contemporary carpets for your wooden floor. Match the colors with some artfully picked wall art. AuroGlo from Solatube would be a perfect fit into this home that brings together old and new.

Sunlight Concepts from the Bay Area

Sunlight Concepts stock the beautiful decorative fixtures created by Solatube for their daylighting systems. You can check them out at You can call them at (408) 844-0081.
